Innes returned home to provide care for her community and to raise her children in her traditional territory. After completing her graduate studies, Ms. She began her career as a Registered Nurse, then attained her master’s degree in Nursing and certification as a Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner. Lynne Innes is a proud member of Moose Cree First Nation and a life-long resident of Moosonee. (J.D.) from Osgoode Hall, is certified as an Institute‐Certified Director (ICD.D) and is a member of the Law Society of Ontario. He is noted for organizing the first ever rail safety Congressional education forum on Capitol Hill in Washington DC and leading a Rail Safety Task Force of experts to develop rail safety solutions arising from the Lac-Mégantic crude oil tank car train tragedy. Previously a VP, General Counsel & Assistant Corporate Secretary for Parsons Corporation, a transportation engineering firm, and Legal Counsel at Citibank Canada. RJ was formerly EVP, Chief Legal & Government Affairs Officer, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary at Canadian Standards Association.

A Commissioner on the ONTC since January 2020, he is Chair of the TSSA Board, member of Tarion Warranty Corporation’s Board, and CME’s Ontario Advisory Board. RJ, born and raised in North Bay, is currently a resident of Bradford, and is the Managing Director of RayleeValleyGroup that provides legal, public policy, rail transportation safety, government relations, and corporate governance advice.

(“RJ”) Falconi, B.Sc., JD, ICD.D - Vice Chair